Recommend Items
ともだち初号機 光学迷彩
ORIGINALともだち初号機 光学迷彩
13,750yen [Restock]
Bizarre plants 'Live with bizarre plants'
Bizarre plants 'Live with bizarre plants'
2,090yen [Restock]
化粧石 玄武岩 XS
化粧石 玄武岩 XS
1,210yen [Restock]
ソフビ製モズクパイセン 三度笠 (招き猫)
SOLD OUTORIGINALソフビ製モズクパイセン 三度笠 (招き猫)
12,650yen [Sold out]
Tetsuyu-maru Pot
Tetsuyu-maru Pot
2,090yen [Restock]
Tetsuyu-sori Pot
Tetsuyu-sori Pot
2,200yen [Restock]
Flare Pot S (Matte White)
Flare Pot S (Matte White)
2,530yen [Restock]
Banko Rectangle Pot S (Black)
Banko Rectangle Pot S (Black)
2,530yen [Restock]
Kittate-Seidou S
Kittate-Seidou S
1,980yen [Restock]
Kittate-Seidou M
Kittate-Seidou M
3,080yen [Restock]
Kittate-Seidou L
Kittate-Seidou L
3,740yen [Restock]
HABANA Folding Shelf LL
HABANA Folding Shelf LL
17,600yen [Restock]
Iron Air Plants Stand (Black)
Iron Air Plants Stand (Black)
880yen [Restock]
Pot Stand Plus Single 14cm (Black)
Pot Stand Plus Single 14cm (Black)
1,320yen [Restock]
Pot Hanger (Gold)
Pot Hanger (Gold)
1,430yen [Restock]
Pot Hanger (Black)
Pot Hanger (Black)
1,430yen [Restock]
Cream Pot S
4,950yen [Restock]
Cream Pot M
6,600yen [Restock]
銅製 小品土入れ (スリム)
銅製 小品土入れ (スリム)
2,200yen [Restock]
Jomon+ Bowl Pot M (Aging Gold) [ TOKY 10th Anniversary Model ]
ORIGINALJomon+ Bowl Pot M (Aging Gold) [ TOKY 10th Anniversary Model ]
19,800yen [New]