ご注文後24時間以内に、写真付き身分証明書を撮影し、件名に注文番号を記載の上、メールアドレス id@toky.jp 宛にお送りください。
写真付き身分証明書は免許証、パスポート、マイナンバーカード、社員証、学生証、健康保険証、障害者手帳、在留カード 等が該当します。
(住民票、電気水道ガスなどの領収書 等)
In response to this change, we have simplified the purchasing process for “Prohibited Resale Items”.
How to purchase from outside Japan
[Customers who have sent us their face and photo ID at least once before].
We have retained all customer data, so from now on, it will no longer be necessary for customers to send us any images after placing an order.
[First-time customers]
After placing your order, please take a picture of your passport or ID card and send it to id@toky.jp by the end of the day with your order number in the subject line.