Dear overseas customers,
To quickly purchase popular products from TOKY’s online shop, please make sure to complete the below registration.
1. Register for a Forwarding Service
There are many types of Forwarding services in the world.
Please find a service that can forward the product you purchased from a Japanese online shop to an address in your country.
*If you do not register for a Forwarding service, you cannot make a purchase even when you become a TOKY website member.
*Please enter the address provided by a Forwarding service on the member registration screen of the TOKY website.
2. New Member Registration for TOKY
Website Once the registration for a Forwarding service is complete, based on that information, please register as a new member.
Please set the ID and Password and enter the information required for shipment.
Press the link button that has arrived in the e-mail to official registration.
Please safely keep your ID and Password so you don’t lose them.
Best regards.